United Nations in Saudi Arabia in Collaboration with Saudi Food Bank “Eta’am” Support the Vulnerable Community Amid COVID19 Pandemic
٠٧ مايو ٢٠٢٠
Many vulnerable communities have been affected by COVID19 which in turn led to an overwhelming increase in demand for food aid.
In the spirit of leaving no one behind, UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Nathalie Fustier in collaboration with Saudi Food Bank “Eta’am” facilitated the donations of food baskets to the vulnerable Kenyan community in Saudi Arabia with the support of the Kenyan Embassy in Riyadh.
Saudi Arabia’s charity sector is playing a great role in the fight to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus. Eta’am is an organization that collects quality meals with the help of regular employees and volunteers and delivers them to beneficiaries recommended by charities in the utmost of privacy.
The Kenyan Embassy will distribute the food baskets to 450 vulnrable Kenyan families in Riyadh through the community leaders. Each basket, among others, contains milk, rice, cooking oil and wheat flour and is enough for three weeks.
In his remarks, H.E. the Ambassador thanked the Government of Saudi Arabia, through the Saudi Food Bank, and the UN Resident Coordinator for answering the Mission’s call for support to the vulnerable Kenyans in food distress.
“On behalf of the staff at the Embassy of Kenya and the Kenyan community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I sincerely thank the Saudi Food Bank and the UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Nathalie Fustier for this wonderful humanitarian gesture” H.E. Peter Ogego - Kenyan Ambassador
عنوان الصورة: H.E. Mr. Peter Ogego with Mr. Abdulrahman Alhuzaimi, Area Manager for Saudi Food Bank
عنوان الصورة: Saudi Food Bank "Itaam" delivering food baskets to the Kenyan Embassy
عنوان الصورة: Food baskets distribution to the Kenyan community in Riyadh