United Nations Common Country Strategic Framework

Building on the synergies between the national long-term vision and the global agenda for sustainable development, the United Nations Country Team in Saudi Arabia has developed this United Nations Common Country Strategic Framework (UNCCSF) 2017-2021. The UN Country Team has identified four priority areas for its support based on a comprehensive common country analysis and national demand and validated with national partners in the strategic planning retreat:
1. Knowledge-based equitable and sustainable economic development, underpinned by technology, innovation and improved infrastructure;
2. Effective and equitable delivery of social services and education for improved quality of life;
3. Equitable, accountable, effective, and efficient public sector; and
4. Sustainable natural and cultural resources‟ management, use, and preservation.
Recognizing the government demand-led programming and the net contributing country context (NCC) of Saudi Arabia, this UNCCSF articulates the areas for enhanced UN cooperation over the next five years and results against agency lines under each of the above priority areas.