Saudi Cities Report

The Future Saudi Cities Programme is a joint programme developed by the Saudi Ministry of Munic-ipal and Rural Affairs (MoMRA) and UN-Habitat, implemented in close cooperation with the munici-palities of 17 major Saudi cities. The cities have been selected based on their different population sizes, geographic distribution, and a range of criteria based on capacities and economic potential to create a more balanced urban development among the cities of Saudi Arabia. The chosen cities in-clude Riyadh, Makkah, Jeddah, Taif, Madinah, Tabuk, Dammam, Qatif, Al-Ahsa, Abha, Najran, Jazan, Hael, Arar, Al Baha, Buraidah, and Skaka. FSCP was advocating for the inclusive approach as one of the drivers of the program where multi stakeholders were informing the planning process and recommendations. Two Saudi Urban Forums were organized as a platform for engagement. Also the program gave the gender and youth a very special and central focus through various initiatives, workshops and campaigns. The program was shown as national successful story in several regional and global events. The program undertook city-level reviews in the 17 cities, five cities were chosen as a representa-tive cross-section, for in- depth analysis. The city-level profiles considered the linkages between urban and territorial planning by examining the city within the relational context of its sub-region and exploring specific issues at the neighborhood level. These profiles, when referenced with City Prosperity Index reports and validation processes in the Rapid Planning Studio workshops, were used to extrapolate strong, evidence-based conclusions that relate to the planning system. Applied research, with a strong focus on action-oriented conclusions, was used to collect evidence to diag-nose the strengths and weaknesses of the planning system and local planning practices in each city. The methodology utilized design tests and demonstration projects as avenues to apply and analyses potential solutions, before concluding on policy recommendations that guided for the future of urban planning process of Saudi cities. The Programme has applied several capacity building methods targeting MOMRA, Amanat National Ministries and Agencies as well as Academia and NGOs on many topics related to the planning re-forms to achieve New Urban Agenda, SDG’s Goal 11 as well as urban dimensions of both Saudi Vi-sion 2030 and National Transformation Program.