RCO-UNCT Economist Toolkit

This Toolkit consists of three policy-oriented papers on macro SDG by SDG forecasts, HR and LNOB quantitative assessment, and SDG interlinkages/integrated approach, along with the statistical code in Stata, steps to take and data sources to use to be able to replicate the approach and results for any chosen country. The Toolkit enhances quick result-oriented analytical capabilities of a UNCTs and Governments which decides to use it. It assures a level of comparability amongst CCAs and CFs across all countries, useful for regional and global monitoring/reporting.
The research producing the Toolkit concentrates on making contributions to three areas: Macroeconomic SDG forecasts, SDG interlinkages/integrated approach, and Human Rights, and LNOB quantitative assessment. The specific research questions underlying all these three areas are, how can UNCT and the government identify the most suitable areas of policy interventions for SDG acceleration, alongside a policy mix which will accelerate progress area by area, while being able to account for the integrated nature of SDGs (which have positive and negative spillovers to one another, and also form specific clusters needing comprehensive, not isolated/siloed interventions) and keep a focus on the most vulnerable groups and human rights. The additional value add is that the approach makes forecasts of macroeconomic SDG scores possible on a country level, allowing for several possible trajectories – a good policy mix trajectory, a historical country trajectory, and a bad policy mix trajectory, all based on recent experiences of other comparable countries, SDG by SDG.
Click here to Download the Economist Toolkit.