Toward's Saudi Arabia's Sustainable Tomorrow

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is experiencing a dramatic and comprehensive transformation through Saudi Vision 2030 and the Vision's twelve implementation programs that are geared to build a robust economy based on a diversified production base and increased competitiveness. The Vision rests on three thematic pillars—a vibrant society, a thriving economy and an ambitious nation. The Vision and related implementation programs, such as the National Transformation Program 2020, provide the foundations underpinning the integration of sustainable development goals into the national planning process. One key program of the Vision, namely life quality, has direct relevance to the sustainable development goals. In essence, the program envisions to make the Kingdom the best living place for citizens and expatriates alike. Saudi Arabia is keen to implement the Vision’s economic reforms with an aim to achieve fiscal balance and to reform the subsidy system within a social protection umbrella in which low income and vulnerable groups are protected against negative impacts of economic reforms. The Citizen Account is one such program that seeks to provide financial support to low and middle income Saudi households in the Kingdom to ensure them a better living by compensating citizens, who may be at risk as a result of economic policies being implemented by the government.